Property Data API v4 Documentation

Property API Overview

Making a request

A property can be requested by a variety of methods. Choose the method below based on what works best for your application. All request types are HTTP GET requests.

Split: Battle Green Dr&city=Rochester&state=NY&zip_code=14624

Required fields:

  • street_address
  • city
  • state

Optional fields:

  • zip_code


Required fields:

  • street_name
  • city
  • state

Optional fields:

  • street_number
  • street_pre_direction
  • street_suffix
  • street_post_direction
  • unit_type
  • unit_number
  • zip_code
Note: Although the only required fields are street_name, city, and state (ex. Highway 1a, Seattle, WA), be sure to provide as many parameters as you can in order to increase the likelihood of reconciling to a matched address.

Combined: Battle Green Dr, Rochester, NY 14624

Elements in a string, separated by commas.

  • full street address, city, state & zip code

FIPS code + APN:

Required fields:

  • fips (5-digit county fips code)
  • apn

    Parsing responses

    Successful response:

    Successful responses are returned with a 200 HTTP status code. The response body includes a data object containing the property record, a metadata object, and a list of warnings objects indicating any special conditions such as the property not being found.

    Note: These are considered billable requests.
        "data": {
            "metadata": { ... },
            "address": { ... },
            "parcel": { ... },
            "structure": { ... },
            "taxes": [{ ... }],
            "assessments": [{ ... }],
            "market_assessments": [{ ... }],
            "valuation": { ... },
            "owner": { ... },
            "deeds": [{ ... }],
        "metadata": {
            "timestamp": "2019-12-04T22:22:10.009910Z",
            "version": "0.4.2-1.8.2"
        "warnings": []

    Error response: (View error codes)

    Error responses are returned with an HTTP status code of 4xx or 5xx. The response body includes an error object containing the error code, HTTP status code, error message and title, and a metadata object.

    Note: These are not considered billable requests.
        "error": {
            "code": "IE03",
            "status_code": 500,
            "title": "Internal Server Error",
            "description": "An exception occurred when attempting to process your request",
            "metadata": {}
        "metadata": {
            "timestamp": "2019-12-04T22:22:10.009910Z",
            "version": "0.4.2-1.8.2"

    Warning response: (View warning codes)

    Warning responses are returned with an HTTP status code of 200. The response body includes a data object which will be null if no property was found, a metadata object, and one or more warnings objects, each of which contain the warning code, title, description, and any applicable metadata.

    Note: These requests will be billed if a property object is returned.
        "data": null,
        "metadata": {
            "timestamp": "2019-12-04T22:22:10.009910Z",
            "version": "0.4.2-1.8.2"
        "warnings": [{
            "code": "PW01",
            "title": "Property Warning",
            "description": "No property was found for the given input",
            "metadata": {}

    Multiple property response:

    In the event of multiple properties found for a given request, the API will return a warning code of PW02: multiple properties found. Within the metadata of the warnings object, you will find a list of APN and FIPS codes that were found which you may use for a subsequent query to the API to access each property.

    Note: These are not considered billable requests.
        "data": null,
        "metadata": {
            "timestamp": "2019-12-04T22:22:10.009910Z",
            "version": "0.4.2-1.8.2"
        "warnings": [{
            "code": "PW02",
            "title": "Property Warning",
            "description": "Multiple properties were found for the given input",
            "metadata": {
                "properties": [
                        "fips": "12345",
                        "apn": "67-89-10",
                        "fips": "12345",
                        "apn": "67-89-10",

    Data object

    A full property object has the following characteristics.

    Note: some fields may be null if there is no data available for that specific field.

    "data": {
        "metadata": { ... },
        "address": { ... },
        "parcel": { ... },
        "structure": { ... },
        "taxes": [{ ... }],
        "assessments": [{ ... }],
        "market_assessments": [{ ... }],
        "valuation": { ... },
        "owner": { ... },
        "deeds": [{ ... }],

    integration_instructions Click here to view the entire data object

    Error Codes

    Errors happen either because a problem occurred with the key or the request. The level at which the result provides an error differs based on where the error occurs within the request. Error codes will be provided in an error response.

    Code Message
    APE01 Address Parser Error
    The address was unable to be parsed: 'input address'
    ISE01 - ISE09 Internal Server Error
    An exception occurred when attempting to process your request
    EE01 Endpoint Error
    The given endpoint was not found: 'url path'
    RE01 Request Error
    The given parameter(s) were not enough to fulfill the request: 'address parameters'
    RE02 Request Error
    The 'violated parameter name' parameter violates the rule: parameter rule
    Eg. The 'token' parameter violates the rule: must not be blank
    RE03 Request Error
    The attempted request is too large
    RE04 Request Error
    Requests are being throttled due to a high number of requests
    RE05 Request Error
    The given request is invalid
    RE06 Request Error
    The HTTP request method 'method_name' is not allowed. The allowed methods are: [GET, OPTIONS]
    AE02 Authorization Error
    The given token is invalid
    AE03 Authorization Error
    The given token has no calls remaining
    AE04 Authorization Error
    The given token is deactivated

    Warning Codes

    Warnings happen because the input address was unable to be reconciled to a single property within our database, either because the address could not be found, or a property could not be matched to a successfully parsed address.

    Code Message
    PW01 Property Warning
    No property was found for the given input
    Note: A request returned with this warning is not considered billable.
    PW02 Property Warning
    Multiple properties were found for the given input
    Note: A request returned with this warning is not considered billable.
    APW01 Address Parser Warning
    No address was found for the given input
    Note: A request returned with this warning is not considered billable.
    APW02 Address Parser Warning
    The street suffix associated with the address is unknown
    Note: A request returned with this warning is only billable if a property match was found.